Davidson Protege on Liberal Bias
Mason Harrison, practical shoe-in for California CR chair, takes on liberal bias.
UC Davis, California- "Despite a feeling of being unable to voice their dissenting opinions in classes, many conservatives interviewed said the strongly liberal political climate has encouraged and strengthened their beliefs. Having to back up and support unpopular beliefs has led many to a higher state of conservatism, where they are able to rebuff emotional and uninformed ideas with substantial claims.
Mason Harrison, a junior political science major, said he has been able to gain the respect of a lot of the students in his classes by backing up his beliefs.
"'We have a right to not be belittled by our teachers," he said. "It's made me more vigilant in the fight for student rights.'"
UC Davis, California- "Despite a feeling of being unable to voice their dissenting opinions in classes, many conservatives interviewed said the strongly liberal political climate has encouraged and strengthened their beliefs. Having to back up and support unpopular beliefs has led many to a higher state of conservatism, where they are able to rebuff emotional and uninformed ideas with substantial claims.
Mason Harrison, a junior political science major, said he has been able to gain the respect of a lot of the students in his classes by backing up his beliefs.
"'We have a right to not be belittled by our teachers," he said. "It's made me more vigilant in the fight for student rights.'"
I'm glad you guys started a hard-hitting blog. Everyone is sick of the cheap shots.
Rock on!
This is funny. One dynasty p.o.ed at another dynasty. Its the CCR Dynasty versus the Hoplin one.
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