The National College Republican Forum

The National College Republican Forum

A forum for all 51 College Republican federations. Sharing ideas, techniques, and gossip.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Suggestions for Reform

The Lonestar State, under the leadership of Eliza Vielma, passed this resolution at their convention on Saturday. Every state should pass their own resolution. It displays a great effort in attempting to bring about neccessary reforms that may make the CRNC a more cohesive political organization.

Texas Federation of College Republicans
Author: Eliza Vielma, State Chair of Texas


Whereas the College Republican National Committee would not exist without individual state federations; and,

Whereas, the College Republican Executive Board should fully disclose and inform state federations of all aspects of the official business of the CRNC; and,

Whereas, CRNC fundraising efforts take advantage of donors within individual states which should rightfully be shared with their respected state federations; and,

Whereas, the College Republican National Board has had a recent history of questionable activities, leadership, and elections;

Therefore, let it be resolved that the College Republican Executive Board must provide the Texas Federation of College Republicans, and other state federations, with full reports disclosing all detailed fiscal information, including but not limiting: donations, fundraising efforts, and budgets for the CRNC; and,

Therefore, let it further be resolved that the College Republican National Board must distribute 1/3rd of donations collected from all fundraising efforts to the state federation from which any donor is a resident; and,

Therefore, let it further be resolved that the CRNC approve a constitutional amendment that guarantees, in case of dispute of the result of a CRNC election, that if 1/3rd of the delegates or states dispute the result of the election, the CRNC must contract to the American Arbitration Association in order to assure that the election proceeded in accordance to normal election ethics.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so let's get this straight. Texas has been one of the worst federations in the country for the past year. They've raised no money and only had about 30 people representing 6 chapters in attendance at their state convention. They have no place telling anyone else how to run their organization. They couldn't manage to have their chairman show up at the National Board meeting that was IN HOUSTON!!!

Instead of focusing on how to bring the TFCR out of a horrific slump, the new chair is more concerned about passing meaningless resolutions condemning an organization that has kicked ass this year. She's done nothing but waste time posting on childish internet blogs. Pathetic. Its sad to see that anyone would be so stupid as to applaud her actions.

7:43 AM, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The resolution doesn't put pressure on Paul or the CRNC, it embarrasses Texas CRs for continuing this divide. The arbirtation amendment was resoundly rejected and pulled before it would have been trounced. And to make accusations at Paul without any specific details of what they want transparency for is childish and smells of Blake Harris.

10:30 AM, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the resolution did is prove to anyone who didn't know already is that Eliza has her gaze firmly set on the national scene and not her own state.

11:57 AM, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The failures of Texas this past year have nothing to do with Eliza. She was merely a chapter chair.

I know I'm looking forward to seeing all that she accomplishes with Texas under her adminstration.

She seems like someone that doesnt just talk, but gets things done.

9:12 PM, April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it a few other states are in on this and will be passing similar resolutions.

1:35 AM, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't be surprised... Gourely is toast next year.

3:42 AM, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok that was going way too far. Everyone knows Michael Davidson isn't anywhere near being liberal. If you think no one that supported him could ever win you need to think again and look at the incoming state chairs thats right I see many people that could beat Gourley and one that will so in 2007 Gourley is gone!

12:54 PM, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 20 year old is not going to be a national chairman running a $20 million dollar corporation. You want to put some kid in charge with two years of political experience? The RNC would absorb us.

5:34 PM, April 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What 20 year old are you talking about? I know many 20 year olds with way more than 2 years political experience. I also know of one that would make a great national chair and I'm not talking about Nate Walton.

2:58 AM, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't a state federation or chapter chair were talking about, it isn't even a state rep race. The problem with college republicans is that its too important to be left to college students.

7:02 AM, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

College Republicans isn't College Republicans without the college students. Who besides college students are willing to give up hours upon hours of their time to work unpaid or for next to nothing on campaigns? Who is the future? Thats right the college students. I think too may people underestimate what College Republicans or even just college students can do when they work together. There is alot that could be done if everyone stopped fighting but thats not going to happen. So hopefully in 2007 there will be a qualified national chair.

3:17 PM, April 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davidson isn't a liberal? Go check out the organization he leads now, Generation Next. Pro-abortion, pro-affirmative action, and pro-special rights for gays. Explain to me how that isn't liberal.

He fooled all of you. Its time to stop drinking the Kool-aid and get on board with conservative CRs who have been and are kicking ass for Republicans across the nation, not playing grab ass on blogs.

7:29 AM, April 07, 2006  

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