Pop rocks + Bubblicious = You guessed it.

Say you're the former state chair of the New York College Republican federation. Over the past few months you have felt the squeeze of your political base in your native state while you are far away in California, diddling out statements for the California CR Federation. You're underworked. You're underappreciated. You need a break.
So what do you do?

Put in your CD of "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" and gallavant the town with the chairman of Tennessee Lindsey Moffett.
Let's get one thing straight:
Dan does not do a single thing for California CR's.
He is hated by everyone in the state and is quickly running out of job oppportunities.
I predict he's gone within the year.
Lindsay should run away and take a shower. She's not wanted here either.
I think they should be voted cutest couple of the CRNC. :)
I think they should be voted cutest crack addicts of the CRNC. :)
This blog officially blows
ha, really... an 11 day absence interupted by some Centinello snap shots. Please...
This thing needs some sort of disclaimer next time it’s going to show us images that might make us puke.
Dan hasn't done anything for CCR. We don't like him very much. Some of us think he may have cooties. I believe he got them from Lindsey
I think people need to leave Lindsay and Dan alone. People do need private lives.
I think the question is not whether or not people deserve privacy, but rather.... do we care?
Hey crforum.... a lot of important stuff is going on around the country right now. Nobody gives a damn about this post. And if this is the best you can do after two weeks of research, than I suggest you pack up and go the way of the rest of the establishment blogs.
oh blah blah blah blah
Lindsay looks like an ape in that picture.
Dan as usual looks like an ugly piece of shit with terrible acne and a head that's a little too narrow.
Even reformers are getting tired of both of their shit. People don't respect Lindsay anymore and talk about her behind her back constantly. Dan has Always been a piece of shit and now it's coming back to bite him.
I want to hurl
To: Dan's CCR ex-girlfriend,
Get over it. SO what he dumped you at CPAC for Lindsay. Move on.
From: all the readers sick of hearing your tantrums.
Stop defending yourself Dan and acting like anyone, including your ex-girlfriend gives two shits about you. I know for a fact that she hates you and that’s not what happened at CPAC you delusional freak. For crying out loud how many times did you practically kidnap her?
hardly. disgusting is closer to the truth.
I think Dan is hott and his confidence makes him hotter than most CR guys!
I would do him.
did you hear that? anonymous would do dan!
quit posting dan. no one cares about you. if they do, it's cuz they hate you. or you brainwashed them.
Word on the street is Dan butt rapes monkeys with all his free time in CA since he has no friends and everyone hates him.
I think Dan & Linsday make a hot couple.
Kristen. Grow up. Move on.
-CCR Women's Caucus.
Kristen is entirely way to hot for Dan.
Once again...
Kristen quit posting. Grow up. Move on. No one likes you in CCR and can't wait til this convention is over so you can finally stop showing up to things.
-CCR Women's Caucus
Dan, no one is listening to you.
Kristen, you are getting pathetic. For you own sake. Grow up. Move on. Get over it.
-CCR Women's Caucus
PS thanks for the email and yes we are jealous you slept with all the CR boys and you did not.
CORRECTION: ...we did not.
OUCH! HAHAHAHA! I bet she cried when she saw the pics of Dan and Lindsay.
She totally cried. Totally.
...Tears of joy that she was finally free of the torment of being Dan's sick obsession.
fo sho... i hated dan before but he's gained my respect by getting with her.
now i see why his ex is pissed.
They did not call Kristen fat. They just said she has fat legs. There is a difference. Kristen certainly isnt fat...but she certainly does have fat legs.
In terms of lindsay being a cow...last time i checked Miss Tennessee Contestants and especially top 3 are nowhere near being COWS.
Both girls are beautiful...bottom line.
What is ugly is the way Kristen keeps posting horrible things...beauty lies within and in that case Kristen is one bat out of hell.
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