Caucus Rundown 2
The Southern Caucus
The Southern Caucus seems to be the base for the opposition. The Caucus contains 9 states firmly apart of the reform movement, 2 establishment states, and 2 neutral. Blake Harris worked to keep the opposition states in the Southern Caucus, while attempting to cultivate relationships with the two states standing neutral.
The Caucus Elections for the South started with no contested election for any race and stood as Keith Gates for Caucus Chairman, Blake Harris and Eliza Vielma for Credentials Committee, and Scott Wacholtz for Caucus Secretary.
Chairman Wacholtz, a former United States Marine, is well known not just at his school but throughout the state as a tireless conservative advocate. Expect to hear more from him in the future.
Back to the election. Credentials soon became confusing. A week prior to the elections, a third jumped into the credentials race: Lindsay Moffett. The day prior to the election there was rumor that a fourth, Andrew Lamar, would also jump into the credentials race. The night prior to the election, Eliza Vielma dropped out of the credentials race. Reasons for this voluntary bowing out are unknown at this time.
The day of election all were nominated, but Andrew Lamar declined his nomination. He had secured 5-6 states.
Bottom Line: Although some states in the south have become unpredictable, no races were contested. The reform movement still remains strong in the south holding both credentials seats.
As a side note, the College Republican Chairman of Maine, Nate Walton, has a dirty little secret. More like dirty laundry. The dirty laundry? Mr. Walton is such a delegator he has commanded College Republicans to do his laundry for him. That's right, Nate Walton has someone else do his laundry.
Another side note: One certain southern chairman - who will remain nameless - walked out on a $90.00 Hawk and Dove tab. Tsk. Tsk.
The Southern Caucus seems to be the base for the opposition. The Caucus contains 9 states firmly apart of the reform movement, 2 establishment states, and 2 neutral. Blake Harris worked to keep the opposition states in the Southern Caucus, while attempting to cultivate relationships with the two states standing neutral.
The Caucus Elections for the South started with no contested election for any race and stood as Keith Gates for Caucus Chairman, Blake Harris and Eliza Vielma for Credentials Committee, and Scott Wacholtz for Caucus Secretary.
Chairman Wacholtz, a former United States Marine, is well known not just at his school but throughout the state as a tireless conservative advocate. Expect to hear more from him in the future.
Back to the election. Credentials soon became confusing. A week prior to the elections, a third jumped into the credentials race: Lindsay Moffett. The day prior to the election there was rumor that a fourth, Andrew Lamar, would also jump into the credentials race. The night prior to the election, Eliza Vielma dropped out of the credentials race. Reasons for this voluntary bowing out are unknown at this time.
The day of election all were nominated, but Andrew Lamar declined his nomination. He had secured 5-6 states.
Bottom Line: Although some states in the south have become unpredictable, no races were contested. The reform movement still remains strong in the south holding both credentials seats.
As a side note, the College Republican Chairman of Maine, Nate Walton, has a dirty little secret. More like dirty laundry. The dirty laundry? Mr. Walton is such a delegator he has commanded College Republicans to do his laundry for him. That's right, Nate Walton has someone else do his laundry.
Another side note: One certain southern chairman - who will remain nameless - walked out on a $90.00 Hawk and Dove tab. Tsk. Tsk.
"One certain southern chairman - who will remain nameless - walked out on a $90.00 Hawk and Dove tab. Tsk. Tsk"
[Cough] Lindsay Moffett [Cough].
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I hear that Miss Vielma walked on a tab at the Hawk n Dove...I think it's funny how it wasnt mentioned that Eliza nominated Lamar on the floor at which time he made her look like such an ass and declined. Now I wonder why Eliza didn't mention that in her post ....... GROW UP AND DO SOMETHING IN TEXAS BEFORE YOU BECOME A NATIONAL PLAYER.......
One person says it was Moffett. The other says it was Vielma. Who was it?
it was both....however I know for a fact Miss Moffett had been drinking much and did not intentionally do it, and when she discovered sent the cash back with another state chair right away...
High bar tab? Good for her
Who paid the tab?
when are you going to write about the Midwest meeting this past weekend?
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hmm removing comments?
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Blake vs. Eliza
The Gracchi Brothers were Roman liberals.
Saying that Lindsay Moffett left a tab of $90 is far from true. Brian Siler paid the $90 tab which included pitchers that he bought for everyone, and some other drinks that he bought for Lindsay and Derek Hall. Lindsay sent back money to pay her portion of the tab, but unfortunately, half of her money had to be used to pay for Eliza's tab. Eliza denied ever having a drink and refused to pay. Was she so drunk that she didn't remember drinking?
Lindsay vs. Eliza, queen bitch of the CRNC?
Sorry New York has got that covered.
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Lot of censorship out there today
Its amazing how CR Forum, TC, Chatter, McCarthy's NJCR blog...if you don't agree with the blind devotion to the alter of Davidson, then your opinion apparently means nothing.
Must be easy to see everything a year later as "Michael good, Paul bad", but really its just pathetic that this "opposition" would rather beat up other CRs than create real reform.
Look, people need to get accustomed to the fact that most of the denigrating comments posted on these boards are made by Michael Patlan.
All of the disgusting posts here attacking Eliza and Erin McTiernan were done by Patlan.
And see, thats why your kind will always be the anonymous blogs.
If you had any proof its Patlan, show it, because otherwise its you hiding behind the blogs attacking another CR.
And after the southern caucus meeting, I'm sure its Eliza's good friends in the south taking shots at her these days.
its just pathetic that this "opposition" would rather beat up other CRs than create real reform
Are you kidding?
Its establishment defenders like the Glutius Maximus brothers that have turned attacking other CRs into an art form.
Like we should take two (or perhaps its one person with two personalities) serious simply because they post under the names Tiberius and Gaius.
Let's see Tiberius used to have sex with his sister and was executed as a tyrant and Gaius... well we all know what happened to him. Et tu...
What does Erin McTiernan have to do with anything? She is not from the Southern Caucus thus should be left out of the comments on this post.
You people are basically a bunch of idiots who inflict the CRs with too much political infighting that nothing can get done.
What do you think this hostility is buying you nationally? Do you think people respect a bunch of kids anonymously bullying each other on the blogs?
Patlan is the only vulgar one on the boards these days. Much of the conversation here is legitimate political thought about the future of College Republicans and is something we should promote, not throttle back.
But unfortunately there aren't many people willing to go on the record here and say something worth saying.
Prove that it is Patlan or shut the fuck up. You pick one person and continue to slam him when you have no proof otherwise.
Prove that it is Patlan or shut the fuck up. You pick one person and continue to slam him when you have no proof otherwise.
Did we figure out who walked out on the $90.00 tab?
Whoever is behind the Gracchi blog is behind the spamming and outrageous personal insults against women. I'll give you three guesses.
Like Forum and TC don't attack women? Don't worry, you all will find dates one day.
These "Gracchi brothers" are true dirt bags.
I bet the admin is ticked off at having to remove their 50 million ads.
What an eyesore.
The liberals are using the Gracchi as the basis for some of their most left-wing blogs:
What uneducated College Republican chose the Gracchi as his alter-ego?
The story continues, “On Tuesday, Cannon faces real estate developer John Jacob in Utah’s GOP primary, a race that hinges in part on who stands taller in opposition to Bush’s call for a path to citizenship for some 11 million illegal immigrants.” Utah, send him packing!
# Five-term Rep. Chris Cannon had a commanding lead over political newcomer John Jacob with 89 percent of the precincts reporting at press time. By 11:05 p.m. Jacob already had seen enough. He called Cannon to concede.
After the call, Cannon triumphantly told a crowd of supporters gathered at Provo's Historic Court House: "This is my sixth time running for office and this is the first concession call I've ever received."
Too bad TC is busy mislabeling President Bush's plan as an amnesty plan.
I love this blog, seriously kids, check it out
it's amazing how much this brothers gracchi thing resembles the old halftruthcaucus...
How the hell does it resemble halftruthcaucus? HTC was full of satire and funny graphics. This is pure commentary.
The opposition attempts to trash this blog simply because they don't agree with it are hilarious.
oh yeah, pure commentary. the last post titled "truth cockus," the same phrase used by halftruthcaucus. with terminology like that, brothers gracchi is certainly a "serious blog" about issues.
If you bothered to read the other posts...
But no, you're right, lets dismiss all viewpoints that aren't dead on with exactly how we tell everyone else to think. Then we can be cool just like SavetheGOP.
Beau is a free agent. His friend Maloney is probably trying to lock this down for Allen, though.
The Brothers Grachii site is being run out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Also, I doubt H. Paul Gourley needs "supporters" of his talking about cock on their blogs. Face it Patlan, being a slob will get you nowhere in life.
Patlan is such an easy target for everyone, because you have no clue who else you can be angry with.
Did it ever occur to you that there may be a little friction within the opposition following the caucus meetings?
I know for a fact that Patlan has nothing to do with this new blog. I don't expect anyone to believe that, but I thought I'd throw it in for what it's worth.
Hugh/Derek/HughDerek is trying to move the most talented members of the opposition out of his way for a national chairman run. Not classy man. Not classy at all.
I don't care who writes the new blog. It is great. The effort the insurgency is putting into discrediting it is proof of its value.
Referring Link
(This, 1655610, is the statcounter page for Brothers Gracchi. Only the blogger can have access to this page.)
Host Name
(Tulsa, Oklahoma. That leaves Michael Patlan, Nat Harding, and Ben Lepak. And we know it isn't Lepak or Harding)
IP Address
Country United States
ISP Pppox Pool - Rback2 Tul2ok
Returning Visits 3
Visit Length 0 seconds
Browser MSIE 6.0
Operating System Windows XP
Resolution 1024x768
Javascript Enabled
No wonder the blogger can't resist the temptation to spam. That's all he does.
Patlan caught spamming again.
Hall, I think you should mend some fences between and your state party before you attempt to go national. Otherwise, its not going to be pretty.
Idle threats, Patlan. Stop picking fights with random CRs on the web and get a life.
Where are you all getting this stuff about Hugh Derek?
Patlan is the unofficial Gourley hit-man on the internet. He spends 18 hours a day attacking other CRs on these feedback threads.
This is blogspot. You cannot track where a blog originates. Someone just put Tulsa, OK in a post to make it look like Patlan.
Patlan is out of the game, he's been out for months.
It is absolutely impossible to tell where a blog comes from on blogspot. Why don't you insurgents find another boogie man to attack other than Michael Patlan.
Any movement that is delusional enough to think that every single comment made against them comes from a single Gourley operative is ridiculous. You people have become such a tight cacoon that you don't realize that there are a lot of people that think your constant attacks against other CR's are a bad thing.
Every time you blindly accuse Patlan of being the only person who punches back, you prove your incredible delusion.
Patlan, if Joe Sylvester were here, I'm sure he'd award you an award for being an HONORARY POS
You cannot track a user of blogspot, nice try though pinning it on Patlan.
Obviously, there are many CRs out there getting tired of this "We Hate Paul" bullshit a couple State Federations are obsessing with
"You cannot track a user of blogspot"
Patlan, you were tracked the same exact manner that you were tracked when you spammed CRNC Chatter. You were so fat that you tore in a hole in the internet and they ID'd you on the other side.
Where did you get this insults at women garbage? Someone watching survivor a bit too much...
ethan wingfield 07!
Who walked out on the $90 tab?
Please watch your language. Let's not be too explicit. There are ladies in the college republicans, you know.
Wow, where to begin about the Patlan allegations. Let's look at some facts, and perhaps a map.
Tulsa, Oklahoma is 2 and a half hours from Norman, Oklahoma. For those of you that don't know, Patlan is from Norman, he lives there, goes to school there, and works there. So an IP address in Tulsa just proves that whoever tried to pin this on Patlan needs to get acquainted w/ Mr. Rand McNally.
As for the blog itself, it's first post (5:01 eastern time, June 16) happened while Patlan was sitting in DC at the Southern Caucus meeting.
Oh yeah, and how could Patlan be white trash... he's Hispanic.
Any questions, insurgents?
Tulsa, Oklahoma = "anyplace in a big radius of Tulsa, Oklahoma." Keep denying it, Patlan.
The CR blogosphere is filled to the brim with members of the insurgency launching baseless, profane and slanderous attacks against hardworking CR's around the country.
Even if these attacks against crazies like Erin McTiernan are all being made by Patlan, why is it that you only attack him while allowing countless, and far more serious and severe attacks against hardworking CR's to go unpunished?
Something tells me that Soren Dayton (an incompetent 30 something with no life) and Blake Harris (an incompetent 19 year old with no life) had a conference call together and came up with a strategy to discount whatever the brothersgracchi blog says.
It's not going to work boys. Hypocrites are never good at discrediting others.
Exactly, how many Nate Walton slams have been posted on the blogs? Whatabout allegations about Nat Harding's personal life? All of these things come out of the insurgency blogs, and they think Patlan is a bad guy. Last time I checked Patlan was on the receiving end of one of the biggest smears in recent CR history (the LeHardinPat "scandal"). Everything that those idiots wrote turned out to be completely false, and not one blogger, including the amazing truth caucus, tried to learn the facts or anything. Just another attempt by the insurgency to discredit and defame the hardworking CRs that are doing productive things for their states. Long live the Gracchi... and screw the insurgency.
We should be seeing state chairs come out and condemn the faceless cowardly attacks on these blogs.
But they won't because these same state chairs are behind these blogs, their friends post here, and they use the attacks to their advantage.
You had Moffett, Puetz, Miltenberger and Jardon running REALITY CHECK publically making unsubstantiated attacks and threats against other CRs.
You have the 40 year old Scott in Florida running attacks on his blog, and then acting like a 12 year old editing other people's posts on CR VETS.
You have guys like Donnelly, Harris, Correll, Dayton, Ludeman, Thompson, Maloney, Dugger, Matthews, D-listers for YourCRNC, taking up the anonymous bashing on the blogs. Its sad you've all united to create havoc for College Republicans, its sad because "reform" is no longer a part of the opposition agenda.
The blogs are like anything else the insurgency does. In true opposition fashion, if they can't be a part of it, they just want to destroy it.
If we're all supposed to be college republicans, at least listen to what everyone has to say
There isn't just one way to do things, despite what SaveTheGop and Truth would have you believe. If you want actual reform, work with both sides and actually propose reform.
Resolutions saying "Gourley is too secretive" is a losing tactic taken out of the Dems playbook. Propose real reforms, then someone will take you seriously.
5 straight Patlan posts in a row attempting to rewrite history on the LeHardinPat scandal. Pathetic.
Hey Patlan everyone here already knows that you spend your ENTIRE DAY posting on the internet. Since nobody else has even once tried to defend your disgraceful conduct -
+ inflating your chapter's #s
+ locking opponents out of the hotel
+ hiding membership lists from Cleek-Bosley
+ spamming internet feedback threads
Patlan, you have zero respect for your fellow CRs in Oklahoma, as shown by how you RIGGED the convention vote. We don't need people like you being representatives of the Republican Party, we need people with INTEGRITY. If people like you ever took the reigns at the RNC, this country would start to look like Colombia or Nicaragua.
It's easy to tell: Patlan is the only person here defending Patlan.
Where you go when the brainwashing wears off...
"Patlan, you have zero respect for your fellow CRs in Oklahoma, as shown by how you RIGGED the convention vote. We don't need people like you being representatives of the Republican Party, we need people with INTEGRITY. If people like you ever took the reigns at the RNC, this country would start to look like Colombia or Nicaragua."
This organization is about the future of the Republican Party. And if you don't feel safe about someone leading the United States of America, then why the HELL would you want them leading a state federation?
All of the attempts to attack Patlan are so utterly absurd.
Does anyone know anything about John Burris?
strange how the over-the-top bashing of the insurgents starts up again when eliza is kicked out of the opposition
Patlan, w know you're the only person defending yourself on these blogs. All these attempts to defend yourself are utterly absurd. You rigged and stole the Oklahoma election. This is also known as "the end of your political career."
"strange how the over-the-top bashing of the insurgents starts up again when eliza is kicked out of the opposition "
Another Patlan post, this time smearing Eliza as "bashing" the opposition. Patlan, you're a coward.
So is Patlan the next person the opposition is threatening to end their careers?
Because Gourley and Beeson are still fixtures in the national spotlight. Kyzer is still in the game. McHenry unopposed in the primary. Gates wins again. Patlan is still in office.
I guess the only people that are out in the cold are the insurgents still looking to fight the pro-baby killering Davidson campaign.
I'm sorry, but do you really think Patlan had to cheat to beat those no talent ass-clowns that had to resort to attempting to ruin the reputation of OFCR just to get noticed? Ask any CR from Oklahoma who Travis Cleek or Joe Bosley are and there is a really good chance they will have no clue. The whole LeHardinPat "scandal" was a freaking joke. What did they actually accuse Ben, Nat and Mike of? Being mean to them? They said a lot of things like fraud and financial concerns, but they never stated how those guys were being fradulent or what those concerns were.
The character assassination of Mike Patlan by the insurgency is absolutely childish. The opposition sounds like a bunch of bench warmers bashing the starting players because they are jealous. Here's an idea, if you took all of the time that you spend trying to tear decent people like Paul Gourley and Dan Schuberth down and spent it on something productive (working on a campaign) the GOP would be so much better off. Instead, you bitch and moan about how awful the current administration is, and delegitimize this great organization. It is almost identical to the way the anti-Bush crowd behaves.
Things are about to change,...I can feel it
Everyone can read to find out what Le, Hardin, and Pat got caught doing.
The opposition will still be making a difference on college campuses across America. And Patlan will still be up to his usual BS on these feedback threads.
big threats from ryan bilodoushe
It wasn't Kyzer. It was Patlan. No one except Patlan defends Patlan. He has no friends on the national board.
Who is Michael Patlan?
He owns Ryan Bilodoushe's soul
When is the midwest caucus going to be highlighted on this blog?
So what exactly is it that Nate Walton has delegated to other CRs to do? What does it mean that he is having others do his laundry for him?
its an opposition board...there are no facts here behind the rumors they start
rumor is that as a birthday present, dan schuberth got wasted off of two wine coolers and gave nate walton and his egg shaped head a belly dance. he took that cue from gourley who did the same for tiedemann.
The Gracchi's latest. 5 state chairs in the hot seat...
New post, CR Forum
I still wanna know who does Nate Walton's laundry.
new post
jon thompson runs this blog, and like his federation, he's run it into the ground
Dusty Marshall for Chairman 2007!
Dusty Marshall is quickly becoming a legend in the Land of Enchantment (New Mexico). Despite his short tenure as chairman of the New Mexico College Republicans, he has become known all over the state for his wit and preacherly wisdom. After several years of poor leadership in New Mexico, the state needed a truly inspiring leader to get it moving again. With Dusty Marshall, that's exactly what it got.
The federation is planning on becoming a powerhouse under his leadership.
Dusty told me once that he's using this Hooked-on-Christ persona to get the weak minded to join his cult.
Those who attack Dusty Marshall are jealos of his ideas. I don't think I've ever met someone with as many ideas for how to make a federation great. This kid, and his federation are going far.
He also has a great sense of humor. Today he told me that the reason Israel was bombed by Hizbulla was because Paul Gourley visited the nation on AIPAC's dime a short time ago.
if dusty keeps up with his relgious bullshit, he'll make all CRs look as pathetic as those kids on savethegop
SaveTheGOP rocks. Screw you.
SavetheGOP blows acres of chimps.
If you're brainwashed into thinking the right = god's party, then save the gop and mark harris is for you.
Stop busting on Dusty. I honestly believe he will be the next chairman of the CRNC. New Mexico is quickly becoming a beacon of success for the rest of the nation, and we owe our thanks to Dusty for that.
Meredith Lane eats a boxed lunch.
Why isn't Beau posting on this blog anymore?
Beau was arrested over the weekend for DUI, no shit
How do you know?
What happened to the insurgency? Did mommy and daddy cut off your internet access for the summer?
This blog praises Scott Wacholtz? Wait until it comes out what he did with a certain Lance Corporal where he was stationed.
THAT will be entertaining.
(Complete with pics)
Is that why Scott was discharged? I heard "don't ask don't tell" rumors about him before.
Vote for me for National Chair and you won't be dissapointed (if you know what I mean...)
Paid for by Eliza Vielma for National Chair and then world dictator.
Does anyone know anything about Beau Correll's DUI? Where in VA did it happen?
It's funny how desperate Nate Walton and his lackeys are to slander Beau Correll.
Slander is the cheapest form of political attack and Walton definitely gets his money worth, no doubt.
What's even more funny is it is impossible for Beau Correll to get a DUI - he has no car in Washington, DC. He doesn't drive this summer and takes the metro as he works on Capitol Hill.
Nice try Nate.
Keep it up Establishment goons!
The above post most definitely was not written by Beau Correll himself.
The opposition has become the Blake Harris and Ryan Bilodoushe show, who can make more anonymous threats online.
Who in RI is responsible for babysitting Ryan these days so he doesn't fuck up another election? A lot of people say Ryan did Davidson in.
Couldn't beau have been driving someone else's car?
I left a message for Beau tonight, went straight to voice mail
It is a moral outrage that someone could fix their election, spam the boards online, compare Davidson supporters with the terrorists in Iraq, and then be praised by the Establishment.
From Dan Schuberth: "Michael Patlan is one of the best chapter chairs in the country!"
Moral outrage?! Oh no...some little kid got their panties in a bunch!
If you want morals, go bleeding heart with the virgin coalition over at SaveTheGOP.
Because you left a message for him and he didn't return the it doesn't mean that Beau got a DUI. I think this is nothing more than Dan Schuberth and Nate Walton (who are bothe scared of Beau) attempting to smear his good name.
This is a coordinated attempt by the administration to try to knock down the credibility of a serious player on the opposition side. There was no DUI. There is no evidence of a DUI.
Here's a clue bomb to the Establishment gadflies that are taking shots at Beau Correll.
His birthday is tonight and it's in DC. So, go ahead and check his facebook.
Nice try Walton Company.
The more you attack him, the more you build him up.
And he loves every second of it.
Stop attacking this organization if you want to lead it.
I've never heard Miccarrelli attack the CR's??? What are you talking about?
I still wanna know who does Nate Walton's laundry.
michael davidson
I hear the anti-Beau Correll and anti-John Plecnik person on the message boards is John Donnelley. He's been running around talking a lot about them as of late. I don't know what they did to them but they sure made him mad.
I hear Michael Patlan's nose has been growing steadily for months on end, and was recently dropped from the cast of Pinnochio because surgery costs went over budget!
McTiernan is fucking nuts. Once again with this 'over my head' shit. A field rep. is supposed to work with a state party and local campaigns. They are supposed to build working relationships to be as effective as possible. The field director in my state has done this, and frankly I'd be unhappy if they hadn't.
McTiernan's attitude is only hurting our cause. If she'd stop cat fighting with the field reps. that come to her state, her federation would be stronger and more effective. As an added bonus, we wouldn't have to read her bitching and ranting all the time.
Well... if a regional director were to make promises on behalf of a state federation, that could be a disaster. There are races we shouldn't touch with a 40 foot pole because the GOP candidate is a sacrificial lamb.
I don't think people know much about what the regional directors are doing.
McTiernan is an exapmle to the rest of the state chairs as to how to handle the corrupt CRNC office. Why would anychair want to deal with an office run by Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, and Morton Blackwell?
Gourley set himself up for this. After the fuss Erin made earlier, you'd have to be living in a cage to try it again.
Win for McTiernan.
Try what again? Try to have the field directors working with pertinant political campaigns and organizations of the states they're in charge of?
Another instance of Erin McTiernan making a hysterical, Nixonian ass of herself.
"Slander is the cheapest form of political attack"
This from the same group of people that praised Cleek and Bosley for their completely false accusations during the LeHardinPat "scandal".
Michael Patlan, have a nice impeachment.
The rest of the country is watching you Bosley, what are you going to do little man? Are the little cowards that make up the opposition ever going to show the balls to do something relevant?
$1.2 million in expenses
$380,000 something in revenue
Hoplin gets part of the blame for not picking a better candidate to replace him.
HPG, how easy was it for you to buy Sarah Armstrong? Did you offer her National Women's Outreach Director before or after June 25th, 2005? You did it before. You did it long before. She would just be another opposition chair if you hadn't.
The Davidson people are hardcore. No one bought them.
Gourley will never be a Scott Stewart. Scott Stewart was worth supporting. This is somebody who didn't need to buy off his closest allies with ticket positions, caucus chair positions, or titles like Armstrong. Stewart was somebody you could talk to. His office was a College Republican office, where CRs were welcome. You didn't need to furnish your Establishment credentials at the door. Nothing is the same with Gourley, Hoplin was a little better though. Hoplin cared about all CRs not just ones who supported him. People forget that Hoplin had an opponent with a separate vision. Hoplin didn't react to that vision by locking out his opponents after the convention. Gourley couldn't do it fast enough.
For those of you that don't have your heads up Davidson's asshole, you'd have seen at the state chair training that the CRNC has put together great changes to the organization.
Paul took over last year. Change doesn't occur over night, and we're seeing a lot of positive programs and services from the CRNC.
But you have the same children that were sitting on these blogs a year ago fighting for the sake of fighting. The fight is over. If you want to change things, find some opposition candidate that has a chance at winning next year, and run on principles of reform...whatever Reform is...since despite you kids yelling for reform no one has offered a single suggestion.
Its sad and pathetic, and we know who you are.
Paul Gourley lacks the capacity to lead. We are a year into his administration. Where is there to show? A three million dollar hole in the bank and 25 pissed off opposition state chairs.
It isn't about reform, because there's nothing wrong with the system. There's nothing wrong with the CRNC. There is something wrong with the leadership. Paul Gourley does not respect the people involved with the CRs. The fact that you're still referring to members of the opposition as children shows that you don't get it. You can't lead with that mentality. You can win an election, you can produce the best fundraising numbers and the highest membership numbers ever, and you'll still fail with that mentality.
Or here's a thought, let's take New York this week. Gourley wants to send his regional director to the NYGOP, right? As he should. Why doesn't he just call McTiernan and ask her if she'd like to accompany her to the offices?
Oh sorry, that's right. Gourley is the great chairman of the CRNC. So whereas Hoplin and Stewart before him would have done just that, Paul Gourley decides he's going to be the tough guy. He sends whats her face to the NYGOP. The latter sees the move for exactly what it is, a move in flagrant disrespect of the NYCR organization. So the field director gets straight sent out of NY and nothing gets done except making a lot of people really mad at each other. And this all could be avoided if Gourley would talk to opposition chairs.
7:09 wants a suggestion. Here's a few: send Gourley to California. Send Gourley to Pennsylvania. Send Gourley to those states where there are CRs who don't like him, states he is likely to not win if someone credible runs against him. That's what it means to be national.
Davidson would have made a great Chairman. Kris Hart would have made a great Chairman. Kris Hart stood up to Gourley cohorts when they tried to remove College Republicans from a College Republican convention. Damn right. We need more people like that in this organization.
Robins if you ever get your head out of Gourley's asshole, the thought might occur to you that it isn't Republican to be buying supporters with lame titles. You're supposed to build an organization with titles, not a political front.
Maybe we would actually have women's outreach, minority outreach, that sort of thing if Paul Gourley weren't chairman. But you wouldn't know. Even your own acquaintances in Arlington are accusing you of being a propaganda mouthpiece for this administration.
Gourley had two really good role models, if not the best. For him to turn around and engage in nepotism just shows that he doesn't get it. The fight is not over.
Robbins, what's the matter? Why aren't you disputing that Gourley has bought people? You know that he has and you know that enough CRs are wiliing to come forward with testimony that he has. It's obvious. Even Gourley's drunken supporters have bragged about how Gourley got away with it.
Tom, you should not be working for someone who has bought his Chair position. The difference between you and all those opposition CRs you like to knock is that they're going to be proud of all their years of dedication to President Bush's agenda, and you won't be.
And it'll be the people with titles that matter, like Tom, that will be recognized for their efforts.
The Jon Thompson's and John Donnely's of the world will be recognized as children that cannot be trusted to work within and for the party. Just look at the CR's that graduated out in 2005...where are they now.
Brad Smith, Michael Davidson, Alex Brunk, Joe Biles, Dan Centinello...hanging on to politics but no where near being in the good favor with the party.
Whenever you deal with criminals, they always blame the victims. The people they kidnapped did something wrong. The people they robbed something wrong. That's Team Gourley, blaming the opposition.
Find the Your CRNC leader that has a job not supporting abortion and gay rights.
Its cute some of you clung on to a campaign here and there, but as for gainful employment...get ready to move back home with mommy and daddy around thanksgiving.
If you look at the Your CRNC team, they are all doing extremely well. Davidson is working for a pro-business PAC, Rob is in law school. Centinello is running the grassroots of the Schwarzenegger campaign. Brad Smith is running Corker's campaign in Tennessee, and Corker will be the next US Senator there.
Others are having success in politics as well. Cornelius out in New Mexico, is running the largest Republican county organization. Tom Jardon is in law school. Tyler Matthews and Joe Biles have joined the military. Nick Micarelli continues to serve his country.
Blake Harris is now a State Chairman and Credentials member. Lindsay Moffett is a State Chair and Credentials Member.
Who exactly has suffered from supporting Michael Davidson? I fail to see anyone.
Plecnik = nut job.
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