Caucus Rundown
Two weekends of caucus debauchery down. Two more to go. The news coverage has been inadequate thus far, so here's the inside scoop in both caucuses.
The Northeast Caucus
The Northeast Caucus stood 6-6 for the longest time. Mike Miltenberger had worked the caucus for more than a year cultivating relationships and slowly turning the Northeast into a place where the reform movement could be competitive.
Miltenberger easily cruised to a unanimous victory as caucus chair despite Nate Walton flirting with a run. Miltenberger earned the spot as easily the most outgoing member of the caucus.The big battle was over credentials. Team Gourley ran the female combo of Sarah Armstrong and Liz Lewis, who whipped votes all of Friday night. The reform movement pushed Frank Luna and moderate Zach Elmore.
Luna was unable to attend the caucus meeting because of the wedding of a childhood friend. When it came to voting, Armstrong made an empassioned plea that Luna "wasn't dedicated" enough to show up. It worked, as Zach Elmore jumped ship and voted for Armstrong over Luna.
Bottom Line: Elmore's flip puts the reform movement in a tough bind. Armstrong on credentials causes unexpected problems. Miltenberger gets roughed up a bit, but remains the reform movement's star in the Northeast.
The West
The Western Caucus stood 9-4 in favor of Gourley as of April 1st. In less than two months, Washington CR Chairman Brent Ludeman quickly flipped two states and had the establishment afraid of a complete sweep in the West.
Team Gourley rounded up its core supporters (Arizona, Colorado and Nevada) and the Mormon connection (Idaho, Hawaii, and Utah) through Tom Robins, but was dealt a glaring blow. Oregon CR Chairman John Swanson had endorsed Brent Ludeman for Caucus Chairman. Swanson's defection was reeling because only weeks earlier Gourley had traveled to Oregon to help him fundraise and had been considered a loyal member of the establishment "team."
The establishment refused to let Oregon go without a fight. Gourley operatives put the pressure on Swanson day and night for an entire week. Wednesday night, Paul Gourley called again and told Swanson that Ludeman's defeat is "the single most important thing for the future of my administration." Swanson flipped.
Ludeman quickly responded to the situation and offered to run for credentials instead. Swanson turned the offer down. Realizing that a complete sweep was imminent, Ludeman went into overdrive and by Thursday night had Swanson in the undecided column for caucus chair. By late Friday, Swanson was back on Ludeman's side, but credentials was a complete loss.
Bottom Line: Despite having 7 solid votes in the West, Gourley gets credentials, but somehow loses both Caucus Chair and Secretary. Election shows Ludeman's ability to recruit and gain bipartisan support from the establishment.
The South and Midwest are solid reform. If Elmore stays with the reform, Paul might want to pack up his bags and move back to South Dakota. Your time is up Paul!
Your story clears up some details about the Northeast but it doesn't change one glaring fact: Mike Miltenberger promised those two credentials seats to each of three people - Frank Luna, Sarah Armstrong, Zach Elmore.
You can't be a leader and be a cheater.
you could say both of the caucus elections were 'moral victories', but you wouldn't be correct. In fact you probably wouldn't even be funny.
what you would be correct in is your count of credential committee members for the supporters of college republicans greater than those who are obnoxious and few in their rants of unfounded conspiracy and whining.
Please leave the crnc alone. You’re not doing anything good by gabbing on about speeding tickets and phone calls. Go forth and conquer the intern universe college republicans, but don’t pay attention to these ‘reformists’ who want to bring the crnc to the left and eventually left out.
That was some good spin Brent. Too bad it's false.
One of the so called "flips" was the result of a stealth convention in New Mexico that apparently only Dusty and Brent knew about. Oregon may have supported Brent, as a result of their working relationship, but he still voted for Higgins and Howell for credentials and didn't specify on secretary. The "mormon connection" argument is ridiculous. Zac Howell isn't even mormon, and Ellis and the Hawaii chair voted for who they thought was best, just like every other state.
Lastly, John Swanson probably was approached by both sides. Duh. It's a close election. To get Swanson's support, Ludman had to make assurances that he wouldn't use the position as a platform to attack the CRNC.
Hillarious moment: Mason called Gourley out on the part of the website that asks CRS to donate money to it. He asked for it to be taken off. and said "you of all people should know it isn't just how much yuou raise, it's who you raise it from that matters". Gourley looked pissed.
Mason's been a CR chair for ten minutes and thinks he's the next blake harris. The kid is a tool in a long line of arrogent immature California cowards.
4-1, and four straight losses coming up.
look at the facts, not the rhetoric
Gourley's gonna lose. Big deal. If it's not close, he can't cheat.
Nick Miccarelli can beat Paul Gourley.
Mason = all biceps and no brains
Blake Harris
Lindsay Moffet
Eliza Vielma
Aren't they all on the same team?
I hope Moffett realizes she can't hold that position and then run for national office. Elect Blake Harris, then dump one of the other two.
Blake's run the opposition from behind the scenes for a year, if he loses it'll show the opposition has been working for themselves instead of as a team
If Moffett loses it could kill her credibility as an opposition candidate for the CRNC. If Moffett wins, she can't run for the CRNC. Conclusion: she should pull out of the race.
NO WAY! She could do way more on credentials than either of the other two@
The CRNC Constitution states that you can resign your seat on credentials and be replaced. All the caucus has to do is have another election and I'm quite sure the opposition wouldn't have to worry about making sure that the south replaces that person with another opposition player. It's the South.
I think Eliza has the most credentials experience out of all candidates running for the spots. She helped to create a great credentialing process for fair CR elections in Texas.
she is also insane
Any predictions on who's going to win? Anyone have a count?
If this blogs continues to have updated news like this, WITH a comments section, it will combine the best of both worlds of Truth Caucus and Chatter and become the best CRNC blog in the near future.
thats like saying you are the best little eichman of the hitler youth
Be on guard against comments that seem to praise one opposition actor while attacking another. The so-called Establishment is well-trained in the art of playing off dueling factions.
See 3:06PM for what I'm talking about.
So says the opposition, masters of the anonymous coward attacks
The same Eliza Vielma who claimed that her Texas opponent was supporting Gourley over Davidson?
Maybe Justin should explain to everyone how he handled Missouri's credential problems before he runs for credential's committee.
Apparently, he can tell everyone his delegates were switched out, and then sit on his hands for a year and not do anything about it. Never once did he ask for an explanation or find out what really happened!
Why is Scott running? Do we really need this attitude in a leadership position? Is this what we can expect from someone older than our parents?
Biggest Gourley supporters:
Michael Patlan, who conspired to steal his own election
Steve Damion, cited as a big "prominent Gourley supporter" in Gourley's own damn campaign emails last summer
Victoria Winn, who broke her own constitution with Gourley's consent and barely escaped impeachment
Tripp Costas, reproached via censure by his own state federation alongside Gourley
Brian Mazanec, total hack who stands for nothing, rationalized disenfranchising Davidson states
Jake Grassel, who received a $4,300 check from Gourley's CRNC for consulting. Corrupt backroom bullshit.
Let's not forget what's important here. Davidson is the executive director of a pac that supports baby killing.
Michael Davidson is pro-life, thx.
Davidson might be pro-life, who knows he flipped on that a few times, but what we know for sure is that his PAC does work for Pro-Choice and Pro-Gay groups.
Looking at the facts is most important. Truth fears no trial.
John Donnelly for a caucus position? John is so creepy! He can't look you in the eye ever, he's always staring elsewhere ladies.
John can stare anywhere on me and I'm fine with that.
Donnelly's a tool
If Justin Smith is too spineless to hold his own CRs accountable for credentials fraud, how can anyone trust that he'll be anything more than a pawn on the national credentials committee?
Gourley cheated. THAT's what happened in Missouri. End of story.
You say "Gourley cheated", but just like the liberals saying "Bush lied", you have nothing to back up your words.
If Gourley changed out the delegates, the new delegates were still Missouri CRs. Why weren't they reprimanded by Justin? Where was Justin demanding an investigation into the delegates?
Justin and Missouri had the most trouble figuring out their own credentials. Why should anyone trust him to stand up to delegate fraud on a national level when he's been so complacent with it at home?
Michael had Dreiling on the phone, saying the list was forged. Seems like a pretty good investigation to me.
Paul Gourley has himself run from this issue for a year. It is the first question we should bring up at the 2007 convention, regardless of whether he runs or not. It goes to the heart of the issue of Gourley's integrity.
Dreiling had dirty hands in it last summer. He resigned before the convention instead of owing up to his responsibilities. He was the state chair of MO, if he wanted to fix the delegate situation, he should never have taken the coward way out. He didn't even bother to show up to the convention.
Justin Smith takes over, and for a year he has let the issue of the delegates slide. No one knows what happened because Justin didn't bother to investigate or ask questions among CRs in his own state that either worked with Dreiling or turned on him. He's been too busy playing lackey to the opposition than to take care of the enormous credential problems in his own state.
Justin Smith doesn't have the sack to stand up to Gourley on the credentials committee.
to the people who say justin smith should not be on credentials because of the delegate con-job in MO, how many of you spoke out against that girl in VA being on credentials after their fiasco?
answer: none of you.
so shut up and stop being a partisan, because your attacks are old and can be thrown right back in your face.
Hey Schuberth, I hope you're real proud of your buddies right now. Armstrong attacking a New Jersey state chair who isn't in the room to defend himself? You wish half of these opposition fellas were behind you right now. Not because of politics, but because this Gourley administration has blown them off some of the best damn activists in this country and you know it.
Don't compare MO to Virginia. Justin Smith had the power and position to call attention to the MO delegate problems, and he refused to do so.
We shouldn't have to suffer with inferior people on the credentials board, if he can't stand up to CRs in his state, he can't make a difference on the credentials committee.
Hey Luna was elected to do a job. Instead he chose a personal event.
It might be a tough call if you were in his shoes, but he was elected to participate in the CRs and chose to disregard his obligations.
Maybe he can hold some secret meetings over the summer to get his anti-crnc field rep program in the northeast back on track.
Gourley, one year as Chairman.
And still running from the blogs like a chicken with its head cut off.
I'm sure if you were national chairman, you wouldn't give a fuck about what a bunch of anonymous amatuers on a blog said about you.
True, there are grippers like Michael Patlan in this organization who care more for titles than for moral authority. Than integrity. But they are the minority. They are the minority, and this is why Paul Gourley is the most disliked national chair in history. His legacy has been set because he derides his opponents as "amateurs" when they are the finest conservative activists our movement could ask for.
We need an administration that embraces conservative activists, not one that derides College Republican leaders as amateuers.
Patlan I have some news for you: You've almost destroyed Paul Gourley's chances at being re-elected. Go ahead, pat yourself on the back. I'm sure that Paul will smile, shake your hand, and treat you like a king and one of the badass.
Problem is that you are a badass. Your lack of ethics has reflected badly on this whole organization. That people like you would be held up as examples is an insult to every College Republican. It's insulting to Davidson states. It should be insulting to Gourley states, but Gourley's states are known to have a higher threshold for tolerance of flagrant corruption than their Davidson counterparts.
Michael Davidson runs a pro-baby killing, pro-gay marriage PAC.
At what point is this also-ran still your hero? Open your eyes, he conned us.
More stories about P. Gourley going to jail!
Patlan I don't understand how any semi-intelligent lifeforms could have voted for you. And then again, you and your corrupt CRNC buddies locked all of your opponents out of the hotel. This is the kind of shit that Gourley is gonna be remembered for.
Milty might have promised Elmore and Luna spots but he didn't win unanimously because some state chairs abstained from the caucus chair election. (I bet they didn't want to support someone who can't even run theri own state. Shocker!) Armstrong had cross-over votes cause she is a credible state chair and is friends with people. An establishment chair nominated Lewis, who would do her job without the games. No one even talked about it and nobody said anything about Luna or anyone else. The most outgoing member of the caucus is Derose from New Hampshire or Elmore who drank a cup of ketchup!
The lies in this blog are lame. At least get it right if its online.
thank god we only have to put up with eliza's crazy ass comments on the blogs and not on the credential committee
so why didn't the south vote for eliza hasn't she slept with half the caucus?
Michael Patlan, get a life you disgrace
Establishment 5
Oppositon 2
More like opposition 7, establishment 5.
I bet no one here was actually at convention.
Credential committee is still 5-2, meaning if california wants 8 votes, mason will have to play nice.
California doesn't need to play nice.
Eliza dropped out? Just like Carlson, a quitter
FYI: Although Miltenberger was unopposed; he did not win unanimously, several states symbolically abstained to deprive him of such a victory
what awaits your careers...
Establishment threats like "if California wants 8 votes, Mason better play nice" mean jack shit. If Gourley plays games with credentials, the opposition can set up shop down the hallway and start a new CRNC that actually cares about College Republicans.
goodluck funding that
just like the threatened opposition field rep plan, way to think these things through
Credentials is 4-3...about to be 5-4 opposition. Sorry kids, but life sucks for you.
Clearly California should have 13 votes, not 8.
How about that showing at the caucus election by Miss Vielma this weekend?
Just repeating 5-2 does not make it true.
Armstrong-NE Caucus
Higgins-Western Caucus
Howell-Western Caucus
Elmore-NE Caucus
Harris-Southern Caucus
Moffitt-Southern Caucus
Going into the week of the Mid Western Caucus, the last 2 credential spots will be elected. The Opposition has the support of 7 states already making it all but impossible that 2 opposition candidates will be elected to credentials.
But go ahead, keep repeating 5-2. Heck maybe by your repeated comment of 5-2 you can magically turn hard numbers soft, but I don't think so.
"The Opposition has the support of 7 states already making it all but impossible that 2 opposition candidates will be elected to credentials."
i think that should read...
"The Opposition has the support of 7 states already making it all but impossible that 2 opposition candidates will NOT be elected to credentials."
It looks like Elisa made a well-reasoned gesture.
The actions of this weekend just goes to show that the opposition needs leaders, not baseless rhetoric.
That's who Michael Davidson was.
And right now? Clue bomb? There is no leader.
She doesn't mind authoring a resolution condeming the chairman's actions (no other reformer had the courage to do this - especially in front of his face.) She sees that there needs to be substance in order for the reformers to beat the establishment.
Only lemmings follow a hollow ideal. That "ideal" right now seems to be "Hate Paul". It is a formula for defeat.
The reformers need to search for a leader who embodies positive ideals instead of acting like democrats.
Right now, there is no reform leader.
And it certainly is not Blake Harris.
Seriously, the "we hate paul/mchenry/patlan" crowd out there cannot remain as the voice of the reformers/opposition group.
A lot of states aren't die hard one side or another. Davidson may have rallied a lot of support creating the two sides last year, but he also lost states that originally supported him because of that same rhetoric.
What do you want in a CRNC chairman? Personally, I want someone that can fundraise for everyone, act professionally, and lobby our interests. I don't want someone that will say stupid shit and embarrass our organization, attack U.S. congressman to settle personal grudges, or make threats in pointless resolutions, but thats the type of leader I'm afraid will come out of the blogging opposition. If you want crazy, elect the new york girl.
Beau Correll is the kind of leader the CRNC needs.
Erin, if Patrick wants to stay on as your Press Secretary, he needs to learn to use a spell checker ;)
pretty sure he's one of them that sit on these blogs, if not running them
the whole southern opposition clique is too power hungry for their own political purposes
Apparently Eliza's courage mentioned in post at 4:59 also includes lying to people 4 hrs before a caucus vote. Now THAT's leadership. Great job Eliza!
Why Did Eliza Drop Out?/?
Patlan is corrupt and people who are insensitive to corruption cannot lead this organization.
The opposition doesn't really stand for reform. The opposition stands for purging shady assholes from the ranks of this organizaton.
The word reform suggests that there is something intrinsically wrong with the institution. There isn't. There's something wrong with the leadership. One scandal after another, almost every week since Gourley became CRNC Treasurer.
What if Paul doesn't run for re-election?
Will you automatically label whoever runs against the southern opposition candidate as an Establishment candidate?
You can't run a national campaign on how much you dislike Paul Gourley if he doesn't run, and since the opposition message is as unifed as the Democrats, your only tactic will be to demonize the other candidate as a friend of the establishment. You can't win a national election on hate rhetoric alone.
We need Nick Miccarelli.
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Welcome to the club!
any club joe is a part of, count the rest of us out
Mason- all biceps and no brains. Gourley- the leader we all need.
Eliza is the kind of leader we need ?!?!?!?!
She has not done a thing in her own state and is perhaps one of the least classy people I know. She shot herself right in the foot this weekend with a gun held by Beau Correll...they are both jokes. No one will be able to trust either of them after this miserable mess...good luck in medical school Eliza because you're finished here.
Its too bad we'll have someone as spineless as Justin Smith on the credentials committee.
Your entire exec board resigned in scandal over your CRNC convention delegates, you inherited the chairman position and did absolutly nothing to investigate what happened. I guess if there's corruption on the credentials, we know Justin will sit on his hands.
Opposition 4, Establishment 5
Hey Patlan, you can't lock people out of the National Convention the way you and your buddy Ben Lepak did in Oklahoma. Too bad.
"Your entire exec board resigned in scandal over your CRNC convention delegates, you inherited the chairman position and did absolutly nothing to investigate what happened."
Davidson investigated on the floor. The answer is: Gourley's campaign forged a list of delegates, as exposed by Will Dreiling on the phone.
If you want to blame somebody for Missouri, you should blame tools like Keith Gates who knew about Gourley's tactics and decided to put their own political interests with Gourley above the sound facts that Michael Davidson was 10X as trustworthy and would have 10X the integrity as a National Chairman.
The story just keeps getting worse out of HoplinCo. When you have someone like that winning an election, it causes destruction throughout the whole umbrella. Establishment and opposition state chairs start thinking to themselves "Gourley got away with it and he's the National Chair, so can I. No one will notice, right?"
Davidson had someone on the cell phone walking around to every state saying "listen to my phone".
Was it Will on the phone? Who knows, Will resigned and took the coward way out of dealing with this "problem". He might be the one that sold Missouri out, we'll never know. Who were these mysterious Gourley/MO delegates, were they actual CRs in Missouri, and why didn't Justin do anything about it? The southern opposition treats Justin like a little lackey anyways.
hell of a weekend in d.c., and yet none of the blogs post on it
Gourley locks the bloggers out of events of significance, hoping state chairs will feel sorry for the lack of coverage. This strategy is doomed to failure.
yeah, you and the new jersey punk keep crying about non-state chairs not being invited to "State Chair Training".
Maybe smaller group workshops work better, and these state chairs, those elected to a position of responsibility, can take that information back to their own exec boards. Maybe they don't need pissed off opposition blogger to waste three hours complaining while the adults are trying to get work done.
Conservative activists are adults, whether they're establishment or opposition. If the establishment actors ever come to realize this and treat their fellow conservative activists with the respect they deserve, maybe they'll have some success worth talking about.
If the establishment actors ever come to realize this and treat their fellow conservative activists with the respect they deserve
^ Ditto, but not happening. You have to admit, if you look at Paul's supporters, many are not the well-composed types who would reflect well on him either. He's at a disadvantage sometimes.
The count will be Reform 5, Establishment 4.
Reform-Elmore, Harris, Moffett, (Smith), (Burke)
Establishment-Beeson, Armstrong, Higgins, Howell
Besides that, Reform swept [control of] all four caucus chair spots and secretary spots. This at least proves they can build coalitions and win votes.
Out of the 16 elected positions in the four caucus elections, Reform controlled 13 of them.
i've heard mostly good feedback from the trainings with respect to "behavior". i think everyone is being reasonably respectful for the most part.
The most under represented group on the national board is, of course, those who are not on the national board (99.9% of this organization). These conservative activists need to be embraced and welcomed and treated like adults, which is something the OPPOSITION understands.
Hence, "Your"CRNC. A proud group of activists, not elitists.
To whoever is complaining about justin smith: That actually makes Justin more qualified, having had a huge mess take place with Dreiling's delegation. It will probably make him more cautious.
Just my take.
If Justin had done anything to combat the fraud when he was chairman in Missouri, maybe that would make him qualified.
But a credentials committee member that sat by and let his state be taken over is pathetic. People may mock Harris or Walton, but Justin has a track record of not doing anything, and thats a scary thought. I want someone who will stand up to fraud on credentials, not someone who has demonstrated he won't deal with it in his own state
what happened in dc this weekend
The count will be Reform 5, Establishment 4.
Reform-Elmore, Harris, Moffett, (Smith), (Burke)
Establishment-Beeson, Armstrong, Higgins, Howell
Besides that, Reform swept [control of] all four caucus chair spots and secretary spots. This at least proves they can build coalitions and win votes.
Out of the 16 elected positions in the four caucus elections, Reform controlled 13 of them.
Reform 4: Harris, Moffett, (Smith), (Burke)
Establishment 5: Beeson, Armstrong, Elmore, Higgins, Howell
And Gates belongs to the establishment, or whoever offers him the nicest sounding ticket arrangement in 2007.
Gates will continue to do what he does best stand for LA and nothing more
Elmore is too classy of a CR to have a bunch of punks with no class argue over who he sides with
Zach is the man and not some pawn for your two sides to bicker over
justin smith can't even handle his own credentials, what makes anyone trust he could stand up to other states?
"you and the new jersey punk keep crying about non-state chairs not being invited to "State Chair Training"
I have a name, thanks bro. And it's great to hear that you're every bit as focused on winning these 2006 midterm elections as I am.
Give Bilbray some time, plz.
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charlie smith cant even win a caucus election, how does he think he can run for national chair?
Justin Smith has no idea how many chapters are active in his state
RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman: "[T]here's a debate within the Democratic party. John Kerry believes in the cut and run approach. Other people say maybe we should cut and walk or even cut and jog, but here's the bottom line, what would the terrorists see? You may remember right after 9-11, people were saying, why did this happen, and people look back and there was an interview that ABC did with Osama bin Laden and he cited what we did in Beirut, what we did in Somalia as part of the reason they attacked America. Because what they took, when we withdrew after we were attacked, as examples of American weakness and that ultimately led to 9-11. And so when Democrats like Jack Murtha say we've got to do what we did in Beirut and Somalia, that's exactly the wrong thing, because it would make us less safe, it would embolden the jihadists and it would make the war on terror that much more difficult, unfortunately."
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" I write to you today to inform you of an unresolved issue within the College Republican Federation of Rhode Island that I feel needs to be brought out into the opening after a month of dodging the issue. Newly elected CRFRI chairman Ethan Wingfield has circumvented the possible conflict of interest that results from his position as both Chairman of the College Republican Federation of Rhode Island AND Executive Director of Students for Chafee for the past month, even though
he has been asked by numerous people involved with the republican party to resign, and over a month later, he has not.
Article XI. Section 1 of the CRFRI constitution states that “As an organization, the CRFRI shall not endorse a candidate for national, state, or local office until that candidate has won his primary election.” As chairman, Wingfield is the face of the organization. For Ethan to hold the position of Executive Director of Students for Chafee AND chairman of the CRFRI represents a potential conflict of interests by implying that the CRFRI endorses Senator Chafee in his Primary election for the U.S. Senate versus Mayor Stephen Laffey. Due to this fact, I call on Wingfield to either resign from his post at Students for Chafee or resign as chairman of the CRFRI.
Whomever Ethan decides to support privately is his own decision, but holding a high level position in Students for Chafee is an entirely different matter and can imply he has a bias towards one candidate. Such a bias, real or imagined, is not consistent with the values and actions we expect our chairman to have. As the leader of a our statewide organization, his immediate resignation from Students for Chafee is more than appropriate. The CRFRI chairman represents all of the College Republican chapters within the state and their members and must therefore represent all of their opinions regarding the upcoming Senatorial Primary. Ultimately this is a matter of maintaining the integrity of the position he holds. I hope Ethan will see this conflict of interest and do what is in the best interest of our organization.
In closing, I urge Ethan to restore integrity to the position of chairman of the College Republican Federation of Rhode Island by resigning from his post as Executive Director of Students for Chafee. Only when this occurs can we move forward as a united organization whose direction is mapped out by our CRFRI constitution and whose values insist that no one person (no matter the position he or she holds) is above that constitution.
Brian Kennedy
Chairman, Bryant University College Republicans"
"Look at me, I'm Brian Kennedy and I'm desperate for attention! Please look at me!"
Brian your 3rd person post is like asking someone to quit their "Students for Bush" post just because there were other Republicans running in the primary for President in 2004. It doesn't make sense. When Chafee wins the primary, Ethan's position as E.D. will make him an even greater asset to the College Republicans in Rhode Island.
The fact that Chafee's primary is much more contested doesn't change the principle at stake here.
5-4 majority for the Opposition. What is done on Credentials that requires a simple majority?
Bryant University is the #1 connected school in the country in terms of technology. It is a leading business school. Anyway Chafee will NOT win his primary, Mayor Laffey will. Bilodeau runs the show in Rhode Island anyway. I hear Ethan walks around clicking on his blackberry, but doesn't actually get anything done. Aren't CR's supposed to be conservative, not RINO's? Down with Chafee.
So Bilodeau runs the show? The same Bilodeau who quits a week before his Convention and then gets upstaged by a fresh face in the Rhode Island youth movement?
And then you come here, pouting because Chafee is the only electable Republican in that state?
FYI: This isn't Bilodeau. Secondly Bilodeau never quit ... state chair Pratik Chougole did (
10/ri-pratik-chougule) Rather, he stepped in to be state chair. Good job though, tough guy.
I don't anyone really knows what side most people are on because some people are being pegged all wrong.
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